so i was sitting in a coffee shop yesterday praying and writing and listening to music. it was raining outside. it was nice. i began to think about the story in luke 10 where jesus is met by martha and mary. martha invites jesus into her home and is busy serving him, while her sister mary is content to sit at the feet of jesus and listen to his teachings. martha gets upset..."jesus, aren't you going to tell mary to help me?" she says. to which jesus replies, "martha, martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her."
"one thing is necessary."
he is necessary.
and the "good portion," which mary chose was not to be taken away from her. her time spent at the feet of her lord would never be taken from her. i imagine martha preparing food and making sure everyone had enough to drink. but those things would pass away. the food would be eaten, and the drinks would run out. but the time mary spent with the lord would never be taken away. those moments at his feet. those words he spoke would never be forgotten. it reminded the importance of presence. being with jesus. sitting at his feet. listening to his voice. gazing up at him. enjoying him. soaking up his love. choosing the good portion. remembering what is necessary.
"one thing have i asked of the lord, that will i seek after: that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the lord and to inquire in his temple." psalm 27:4